Scoliosis surgery

Scoliosis surgery refers to surgical interventions performed to correct scoliosis, an abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis is a general term that covers conditions where the spine is curved incorrectly. Surgical intervention is usually considered in cases of scoliosis that has reached a certain degree of curvature and progressed. Spine correction, screw and rod systems can be used among surgical options. These systems are used to align and stabilize the spine. Surgical intervention is usually determined depending on the patient's age, degree of curvature, which region of the spine it is located in, and other health factors. Scoliosis surgery is usually performed by a specialist orthopedic surgeon. A detailed evaluation and imaging studies before surgery help the surgeon determine the most effective method. During surgery, the surgeon uses special surgical techniques to straighten and stabilize the spine. These procedures can often involve minimally invasive surgical techniques, which can speed up the healing process and help the patient relax after surgery. Scoliosis surgery is a field of surgery that is successfully performed to improve the patient's quality of life and correct deformities in the spine.